Greetings Gathering Church, On Sunday, as we celebrated the second Sunday of Advent, we focussed on the question posed to John the Baptist in Luke 3: What, then, should we do? To which John, in essence, replied, “Do the good that is yours to do.” As we celebrate advent, we are reminded that Jesus came to earth to represent the ways of God. As John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, he reminded people that the ways of Jesus involve feeding the hungry, sharing what you have, freeing the oppressed and coming near to those who are suffering. We are invited this Advent to ask the question, “What, then, should I do?” In his book, You Are Changing the World: Whether You Like It Or Not, author David LaMotte proposes two questions for discerning what is yours to do. The first is, “What is bugging you?” What frustrates, enrages, or persistently tugs at you? Some callings are born from the need to make something right. The second is, “What inspires you?” “What do you see happening in the world that makes you sit up a bit straighter and feel a little more hopeful about the human race?” After responding to either of these questions, the next thing to ask is, “What big or small thing can I do about it?” Consider what specific opportunities you have to contribute. What makes you come alive? How does that meet a need? What ideas and action steps emerge? A popular quote with its roots in Micah 6:8 says: “Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.” May you know God’s peace and presence as you do the good work that is yours to do. As a reminder, we will join on Saturday night to celebrate Christmas with our Chandler Mowat neighbours and enjoy a potluck following Sunday’s worship service. I hope you will join us. Catherine