“Sin at its broadest is the failure to acknowledge who God is, a failure to honor Him, and love Him. It is more personal and more evil than just breaking rules," (Wholeness Through Christ).
Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem was no accident or random travel plan – Jesus knew that he was destined to suffer and die. Jesus placed His faith in God’s divine plan, that in order to get to the “other side” of death – to resurrection and new life – he had to face and endure suffering and death itself. In order to experience the full, abundant, new resurrection life that Jesus offers us – we must do more than just understand and remember the story – we will take our own “journey to the cross.” Throughout this series, we will join countless Christian’s around the world observing Lent, as we too ask God’s Spirit to examine us. Honest examination often reveals the realities of sin, brokenness, wounds, disappointments, and the weight of habitual struggles in our lives. May we not hide from these things, but trust God’s timing, and journey into deeper wholeness through Christ. Like the many layers of an onion, the journey towards wholeness is layered, requiring us to return again and again to the Lord who sees us as we are,
loves us as we are,
and knows what we can handle now.