Photo Credit: Evelyn Dunbar (1947)
Sermon Overview:
We continue to live through challenging times as the body of Christ with summer approaching and its offerings of a slower and more peaceful pace. Division and strife abound, calls for justice are ringing out around the world, and all while Covid-19 continues to wreak hardship and uncertainty. For the next four weeks in our Sunday messages, we will use the lens of Joseph's personal tragedies contained in the first book of the bible, Genesis. Joseph's life seems like one devastating tragedy after the next; but it remains an inspiring story of one who lived from a deeply formed identity in God, which enabled him to rise above and look for his purpose and mission in every situation.
Video Link: Jo’Artis Ratti found comfort in dance as he searched for a way to express his frustrations during protests against the killing of George Floyd in Los Angeles.
Discussion/Reflection Questions
1. What role does artistic expression play for you in learning? What are your thoughts and feelings about the video interview with Jo’Artis Ratti?
2. In the message the question was asked ‘who is the villain in this story?’ What are your thoughts on that and why?
3. Reflecting on Joseph’s telling his brothers: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done…” Have you seen this happen in your own life? When you think about all that is happening in our world today, what good do you imagine God may be accomplishing?