Our goal this week is to consider both a review and an overview of this Story of Love with its multiple facets.
What is it that God would want us/you to hear and understand more clearly?
Is to recognize the prophetic introduction to the Messiah, our Kinsman Redeemer, represented through the character of Boaz?
Is it to recognize the amazing sovereignty and providence of God in our lives?
Or is it simply to realize that God’s Kingdom view is upside down from our world view?
Yes, God really did choose Ruth, a Gentile, a Moabite woman and outside the family of God, to become a key link in the lineage of Jesus!
Wow, what will He then choose to do in and through you and me as we submit to His sovereign plans!
All of Ruth is our text for this morning.
Questions for Discussion/Reflection:
1. What has it/would it require(d) for you to choose to surrender, to submit completely to His sovereignty?
2. What circumstances did God invite you into this past week that will make a difference for eternity? As such I encourage you to consider that God may choose to place an individual in your path this coming week, inviting you to love and be the face of Jesus to him/her?
3. Can God bring good, even out of these pandemic days. Confronted with death and loss, isolation, and pain…is God still sovereign?
4. Who in your sphere of influence needs to come to know Jesus, as his or her Kinsman Redeemer? Invite the Spirit of God to work through you to make this introduction.