The Twilight Hour by Will Borden
Worship Suggestions
Blessed Assurance - Jeremy Riddle
Great are You Lord - All Sons and Daughters
The Twilight hour accepts what has been in the day with gratitude and praise, acknowledging that all belongs, and all can be used as the curriculum, the teaching aids, for life’s bigger lessons. This hour seems to fit perfectly for a long weekend message doesn’t it? The 6pm hour, the hour of completion, the hour that signals the beginning of rest…and here we are in the middle of a weekend that beckons, no demands that we prioritize stopping, sitting, and being. Let us see what the Twilight hour has to teach us.
I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.
2 I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.
I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
~Psalm 34: 1-8
A Twilight Hour Prayer
My eyes scan the horizons of your goodness.
The incense of gratitude rises as an evening prayer.
A thousand colours is your face
embracing us with waves of grace,
and as the day star now departs
your glance of light fills all our hearts.
The evening eye shines down on earth
a prayer for our continued birth.
We lift our hearts in tender praise
and give you thanks for all our days.
-Macrina Wiederkehr.
Read Psalm 34: 1-8
Closing Prayer
Come, sit at our table. Be present in the bread we break and share. It is our daily bread lifted out of both grace and struggle. It is the bread of compassion and joy, sorrow and courage. We bless you who have journeyed with us through the hours of this day.
Now it is evening, and the day is almost spent.
Come to our supper table.
LORD be our guest.
Let us see your face in each of our table companions.
At this Vespers hour light the lamps of our hearts and attend our deepest hungers!
May it be so!