*Please enjoy the audio attached here.
*In case you missed the Live Worship from this morning, it can be revisited here:
*Please also enjoy this youtube video of 'You Say' by Lauren Daigle, which is referenced at the end of the sermon.
I have included the spoken litanies as well so that you can read along and add your voice.
Call to Worship Litany
Leader: Come, let’s sing out loud to the Lord!
People: Let’s raise a joyful shout to the Rock of our Salvation!
Leader: Come, you who are thirsty and can find no water in the desert.
People: We bring our questions, our complaints, to the Rock of our Salvation.
Leader: Come and see the One who speaks to us of living water.
People: Show us who you are and who we are, O Jesus.
All: Let’s raise a joyful shout to the Rock of our Salvation
Litany of Confession:
God of living waters, we confess that we have often turned from you and wandered in our own wildernesses of fear and doubt. Our thirst mounts daily, and we turn to many things we believe will satisfy us. In the silence of this moment we name those things. (Pause)
From our confession, receive also this Prayer for Grace:
The wells of salvation are offered to you. Drink deeply and find healing, hope, and joy, for God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us! Amen.
Litany of Sending:
Leader: We have seen the Rock of our Salvation, and we have quenched our thirst for the living water that gives our lives purpose and meaning. Let us go now into our week, and remember to meet our thirsting with God’s living water.
People: We will share the living water with everyone we meet.
Leader: Let us go now to listen as Jesus shows us the rock of our salvation again in these uncertain times.
People: We will hear the stories and hearts of all who are considered voiceless by our world.
Leader: Let us go now to bring the Spirit’s wholeness to others, through prayer, through connecting with others in whatever ways we are able.
All: We will bring peace and healing to the broken and lonely, even as they offer us hope and grace by their lives.