
John 9:1-41, especially Verses 35-41
Show us what Blindness Is

This week our sermon title is about Jesus showing us how He defines blindness.  That we so often look to the externals to discern truth, but God Himself is able to pierce flesh and blood, and see our heart.    At this unique time in our lives it is important for us as Christ followers to allow ourselves to remain open to the light of Christ.  

Call to Worship:
Leader:  The Lord is our shepherd!
People:  We have everything we need.
Leader:  The Lord leads us beside peaceful waters and right paths, comforting us through the valleys of despair, and preparing for us a rich feast.
People:  We have more than we need.
Leader:  The Lord anoints us for healing, strengthening, gifting, and blessing.
People:  Our cups overflow with goodness and mercy.
All:  We will live in the house of the Lord forever.

Timely Advice from Max Lucado:
1. Pray about it.
2. Identify the culprit.
3. Take a reality check.
4. Take an action step. 
5.  Ask: “Can God solve this?”

God, we confess that we are quick to judge others and not acknowledge our own sins and weaknesses. (Pause for silent confession)

We confess that we do not always follow your example because immorality, impurity, and greed are part of our lives, and obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes come from our lips. God, we need your light to shine on us to expose the things we say and do that are not pleasing to you.
(Pause for silent confession)

Forgive us our sins.  

Assurance of pardon:
Though your hearts were once filled with darkness, now you are full of the light of the Lord. This light within you produces only what is good and right and true. Let the Holy Spirit fill and control you. Walk in the light for you are no longer blind.  


As I end this message, may you go knowing that you are a forgiven sinner with the light and power of God living in and through you so that those who are spiritually blind can say, “I believe!”  
Amen, thank you church for being the church without walls.
If you have pastoral concerns or need prayer, please reach out to me through email and I will connect with you.  
Go in Christ, the One who is in control of it all.