Welcome to the third week of our series, REENTRY.
We began the seris at Hidden Acres by talking about celebrating with one another in the good things that have come about, finding time and place to rejoice with each other about all that God has done in us and for us.
Last week we moved to grieving and named that for most of us this has been a monumentally challenging time. We hope that the church can be a place where grief is heard, held, and carried so that we can all move forward together.
This week we will talk about changing.
What is different in our lives since COVID, what we have learned, how have we have grown?
As we re-enter church community life we realize that there have been changes that have taken place in each other and also in us as a church. Recognizing that the past 18 or so months have changed how many of us have interacted with God, with the church and with being a part of community can enable us to practice grace and understanding as we seek to reenter congregation life in a way that honours our differences.
We will have different hopes, expectations, and boundaries around safety. There is no one way of reentering that will work for all, but as we discuss, discern, and experiment together, my hope is that we can be the church for one another, meet our needs and the needs of the larger community we remain committed to serve.